sexta-feira, 25 de abril de 2014

Processo Federal 2014 (FSW)

Muitos já devem ter visto, mas o processo federal (Federal Skilled Worker, ou FSW, para os íntimos e para os que têm preguiça de digitar) será reaberto agora em maio! Para muitos, é uma chance (talvez a última, dependendo da profissão e da demanda desta) de tentar imigrar para o lado anglófono sem crise de consciência.

A lista de profissões deu uma fermentada: o número de ocupações elegíveis praticamente dobrou! E - vejam só! - até a minha profissão voltou ao páreo, lááááá no finzinho da lista, mas voltou! Ela tinha saído em 2009, e achei que nunca mais veria a luz do dia. Mas estou tranquilo nesse quesito, porque, embora nunca saibamos aonde o futuro vai nos carregar, a minha intenção é de ficar  mesmo no Quebeque.

Para quem tem interesse no processo, basta clicar aqui. Abaixo, colei a lista das profissões, para referência (mas não deixe de checar o site oficial para ver as regras e se a lista ainda é esta ou se sofreu alguma atualização!).

  1. Senior managers – financial, communications and other business services (0013)
  2. Senior managers - trade, broadcasting and other services, n.e.c. (0015)
  3. Financial managers (0111)
  4. Human resources managers (0112)
  5. Purchasing managers (0113)
  6. Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers (0121)
  7. Managers in health care (0311)
  8. Construction managers (0711)
  9. Home building and renovation managers (0712)
  10. Managers in natural resources production and fishing (0811)
  11. Manufacturing managers (0911)
  12. Financial auditors and accountants (1111)
  13. Financial and investment analysts (1112)
  14. Securities agents, investment dealers and brokers (1113)
  15. Other financial officers (1114)
  16. Professional occupations in advertising, marketing and public relations (1123)
  17. Supervisors, finance and insurance office workers (1212)
  18. Property administrators (1224)
  19. Geoscientists and oceanographers (2113)
  20. Civil engineers (2131)
  21. Mechanical engineers (2132)
  22. Electrical and electronics engineers (2133)
  23. Petroleum engineers (2145)
  24. Information systems analysts and consultants (2171)
  25. Database analysts and data administrators (2172)
  26. Software engineers and designers (2173)
  27. Computer programmers and interactive media developers (2174)
  28. Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians (2232)
  29. Construction estimators (2234)
  30. Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians (2241)
  31. Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics (2243)
  32. Inspectors in public and environmental health and occupational health and safety (2263)
  33. Computer network technicians (2281)
  34. Nursing co-ordinators and supervisors (3011)
  35. Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses (3012)
  36. Specialist physicians (3111)
  37. General practitioners and family physicians (3112)
  38. Dietitians and nutritionists (3132)
  39. Audiologists and speech-language pathologists (3141)
  40. Physiotherapists (3142)
  41. Occupational therapists (3143)
  42. Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists (3214)
  43. Medical radiation technologists (3215)
  44. Medical sonographers (3216)
  45. Licensed practical nurses (3233)
  46. Paramedical occupations (3234)
  47. University professors and lecturers (4011)
  48. Psychologists (4151)
  49. Early childhood educators and assistants (4214)
  50. Translators, terminologists and interpreters (5125)

Bonne chance à tous (ou, como é para o federal, good luck everyone!)

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